Nassau Suffolk Neurology
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Nassau Suffolk Neurology > Concussions

concussion treatment from a neurologist near me

Suffering an injury to the brain that results in a loss of normal brain function is known as a Concussion. Usually, someone who has a concussion may experience confusion, and not remember the before or after events of the injury. Most medical professionals will make it clear that there is no such thing as a “minor” concussion. It is crucial that you seek medical attention as soon as possible even if your symptoms aren’t too serious. This is especially crucial if you’re going on your second or third concussion not too long after the first. If that is the case, you may want to contact a neurologist near West Islip. Waiting to see if you get better without having the proper tests or examinations can lead to permanent disabilities.


The signs and symptoms of a Concussion do not always appear right away. They can take up to 24 hours to appear and last for days or even weeks. The most common symptoms include a headache, memory loss, and confusion. Aside from those you may experience:

  • Pressure in your head
  • Feelings of fogginess
  • Amnesia surrounding the traumatic event
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in your ears
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Having delayed responses to questions
  • Fatigue

Different Types of Concussions:

Concussions are broken down into three different grades. Mild being grade 1, Moderate being grade 2, and Severe being grade 3. A neurologist near West Islip can determine the severity of your concussion depending on the factors involved. The grades can be identified in the following ways:

  • Grade 1 – There is no loss of consciousness and the symptoms only last for about 15 minutes or less.
  • Grade 2 –  Again, no loss of consciousness during this stage, but your symptoms will last longer.  
  • Grade 3 – You lose consciousness for a few seconds.

Warning signs of a more serious injury:

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms after suffering a head injury, it is time to seek emergency attention.

  • Repeated Vomiting
  • Loss of Consciousness for more than 30 seconds
  • A Headache that is progressively worsening
  • Behavior Changes
  • Stumbling or Clumsiness
  • Disorientation
  • Slurred Speech

When to contact a neurologist near West Islip:

Depending on which grade of concussion you’re dealing with will let your doctor know which treatment option is best for you. If your only dealing with a grade 1 or 2 concussion, then you’ll just have to wait until your symptoms are gone to return back to your normal activities. Unfortunately, it is not as simple for those suffering from a grade 3 concussion. You’ll want to seek out medical attention ASAP if this is the case for you. A neurologist near West Islip will begin examining you by asking simple questions regarding the injury and your symptoms. After they will likely run a few tests based on your coordination and reflexes. A CT scan or MRI would only be done to ensure that no further injuries have occurred, such as bleeding or a more serious brain injury.

A concussion is not an injury to take lightly. It’s important to seek out treatment as soon as possible to ensure no further trauma can be caused. If you are looking to get a full examination after receiving a concussion, look no further than Nassau Suffolk Neurology. With the help of Dr. Anthony Adamo, a neurologist near West Islip, you can count on making a full recovery. Contact us today to make an appointment!

Click here to learn more about our neurologist near West Islip.

Concussion Treatment
Service Type
Concussion Treatment
Provider Name
Nassau Suffolk Neurology ,
400 West Main Street Suite 222,Babylon,NY-11702,
Telephone No.631-422-8822
West Islip
With the help of Dr. Anthony Adamo, a neurologist near West Islip, you can count on concussion treatment. Contact us today to make an appointment!